Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Faithful Circle Quilt Show - Project Linus Challenge

The Faithful Circle Quilters show was last weekend. I did White Glove each day...a drop in the bucket compared to some other volunteers! It ran like clockwork and was just great - I heard there were over 300 quilts on display!

My first shift was in the "Cuddly Critters" room. Last year the guild received a donation of, well, a TON of fabric. A quilter was moving and downsizing. We had 5 bins stuffed with fabric! So naturally, there was a Challenge involved...and as we usually do with our challenges, all the finished quilts would be donated to Project Linus. OK. That's nice. BUT (honestly, you knew there had to be a "but") the real challenge wasn't so much making the quilt - it was more that there pretty much wasn't any kid-friendly fabric in these bins and we had to make kid-friendly quilts! Specifically...with animals as the theme! Everyone that participated got a bag of miscellaneous fabric and the challenge was ON! We could add to it, but had to use it. One poor soul got a bag of nothing but red and black Asian fabric! WTF! And talk about rising to the challenge (!), she made the focus of her quilt a lovely appropriate.

Here are just a few examples:

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Business Card Holder

One year Adriane gave me "business" cards for Christmas ... I guess she was having trouble thinking of a gift that wasn't something I had a bazillion of. Anyway, I thought they were kind of cute! Never have them handy, honestly never have a reason to give one to anyone, but they are pretty and they are all mine. So I saw a tutorial on making a holder and just now decided to make one and it was sooooo E-Z!!!


Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Contemporary Quilters: A Modern View of Life

I went to a lovely little quilt display yesterday at the Arts Barn in Gaithersburg with friends. The building itself was a treasure - brick walls, old wood floors...something to see all on it's own. There were quilts made by 8 local artists.

My "partners in crime" examining Large Flowered Quilt by Susan Walen:

Lovely, diverse quilts:

And of course, whenever possible, one should "lunch" on such an we stopped at Ted's Bulletin in Crown Farm: