Thursday, March 31, 2016

UFO Challenge FINISH (!) for March!

Welcome to the last day of March. I simply can't believe it took me the entire month to finish this UFO - all I had to do was put on the BORDERS!!!! How hard is that!? And now that it's done I'm not quite sure what I'm going to end up doing with it...

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Faithful Circle Quilters - Quilt Show

I registered 4 quilts for my guild's quilt show in April - pretty good for me!

Honestly, I had to go looking for quilts to enter - I'm not very good at finishing things! Here they are:

Barnsley - Bonnie Hunter's Jamestown Landing pattern. I took a class with her at Quilt Odyssey in Hershey PA in 2013 and finished it in 2015 so I could use it on my guest bed in the new house:

Barnsley Autumn - When we were de-cluttering our house to list so we could move here, I had to completely dismantle my studio and make it look like a "normal" bedroom again. Essentially I put every.single.thing. into storage but I did keep my Jem Platinum so I could at least do a little bit of sewing if I got desperate. DH actually gave me kit for Christmas that year so that I could do a little quilting...and this is it:

Back in 2012 I took a class with Gyleen Fitzgerald using her pineapple block ruler. Easy Peasy. And I used up a bazillion scraps doing it - only I think scraps get busy in those bins because the pile did not decrease at.all. I quilted it last week just so I could enter it into the show - AND it is on my UFO list for 2016, so now when that number comes up at Spring Water Designs - I'm already DONE!

And finally just a little wall hanging I made at a guild retreat back in 2012. It was a Connecting Threads kit.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Quilt Gift for Friend of a Friend (?)

Here is what I've been working on…it is SO not me - not the pattern, not the fabric. I do like how it came together and it is REALLY simple and classic, but....

A friend asked me to make something for her to give as a gift - picked the pattern and the colors. I "always" say no to making quilts for other people. I got caught in a weak moment I guess plus she's a good friend. Once I got started, it just felt like work - I was aware she was waiting for it (in fairness she NEVER asked me about progress - "deadline" was completely in my own head!); but something was always coming up (e.g. I had thought I could whip it out over a weekend…only the weekend I chose was the Snowzilla weekend here and I had my mother and just never had the opportunity to sit down at the sewing machine!). It simply wasn't any fun and if I had a free afternoon I found myself thinking of other things, FUN things, I could have been working on. So trust me when I say it will be way easier to say "sorry, but no" next time someone asks me if I do quilts for hire. Sheesh.

Sewing on the binding - my quilt label:

I ordered these labels on Etsy - they are two sided. When I make a quilt specifically to donate, I show the Quilts for Mikey side in memory of Michael.

What to do next?????? Something wild and crazy for sure!

Friday, March 4, 2016

UFO Challenge 2016 - March

The number for March in the Spring Water Designs 2016 UFO Challenge is.....3! And since I'm not showing you a beautifully quilted house quilt, which was the February challenge, it is safe to bet that it wasn't finished. Very.Safe.Bet. In fact, I had pulled it out of the UFO closet (yes, my UFOs have their own entire closet...) and put it right next to my sewing machine so I couldn't manage to ignore it (as I have done for the last bazillion years). Here's the picture:

And in the spirit of not learning from past mistakes, here's a picture of the March UFO folded sitting next to my sewing machine - implying I have faith that I'll notice it and complete this one....(the February challenge is already back in the closet):

The March UFO is simply to put on the borders to complete the top - seriously - how hard can this be? I even have the fabric already! If I manage that and have time left in the month there's a (remote) possibility I'll go ahead and quilt it, but honestly I'm not promising anything.

I had gotten a kit at probably half price when a local quilt shop was closing many years ago. When we moved last summer I packed some simple kits I had in a box of their own thinking I would make an effort to piece them. I started on this top in the Fall. Here it is on the design wall:

Since all that's left are the borders, I'm fairly confident I can have a finish for the challenge, but it would be great if I "finished" it!